Live Through This Tour

I’ve added the 1995 tour dates to the band’s tour history. I’ll get back to making pages for each show soon, but I want to get all the tour dates posted first. I’ve also been doing some newspaper research to get a more complete list of dates for ’91, so you might want to look there too. More new stuff coming soon. xo

New Theme

Lots of changes going on. I’ve changed the look of the site to something a bit different. I’m still working out a few things that need to be changed with the new theme, but overall I think it’s looking good.
Site updates: The 1989 – 1990 tour section is now mostly filled in. I still have a few more things to add, but those will be coming soon. I’ve posted the tour dates for 1993-1994 and added a new section of links to the band member’s social media accounts & personal websites.
Have a good weekend, everyone! <3

1990 Tour Pages

I’m continuing to make progress on Hole’s 1990 tour history. Thanks to Paul for sending me some zip files of flyers & ticket stubs this past weekend. Some of those flyers are now posted on 4/13/1990 (a new show!), 6/30/1990, 7/26/1990, and 9/27/1990. Pages have been built for all shows from 8/1/1990 @ Jabberjaw to 9/27/1990 @ The Offramp.

Updates & Social Media

I’ve added more information and some photos & clippings to some of the 1990 concert pages. I also created an instagram account for the site. Please follow if you have an Insta. Thanks to everyone who’s made supportive comments about the site. I hope you keep coming back, because there’s a lot more to come. <3

Site Updates

Pages have been built for the first five shows in the band’s 1989-1990 tour history. I also added a credits page to thank a few people & added a link to the site’s privacy policy. Leave a comment or send me an email and let me know what you think. Enjoy what’s been posted so far.