
This site owes an enormous debt of gratitude to Julie and her amazing website, Moonwashedrose, which has been offline for many years now. I worked with her on that site (under a different name) for a long time and I saved a lot of information and content, which I’m now using on this site. I don’t know how to reach Julie to thank her or ask permission to use the content, so I hope, if she sees this, she’ll understand that I respect and appreciate her work.

Any content on this site that has been gathered from Moonwashedrose or other inactive Hole sites (such as Sassy and Punk) is being used in an effort to provide the most complete, full history of Hole. If anyone would like their scans removed, please email me and it will be done immediately.

I’ll do my best to find out the photographer of each image and contact that person before using it, but in some cases, that information is unavailable. I don’t own the rights to any of these photos and if something belongs to you, please email me.

Thank you to Paul for flyers, ticket stubs, & things. Also thanks to Fuck Yeah Courtney Love, which is a great resource.