Fan Review: Austin

I went to see Hole perform with Imperial teen on the 9th of May, 1999. I have to say that i am glad to have had the opportunity to see them live. I might not have been so lucky, cos i was supposed to see them on the 21 of March, but Hole dropped out of the Marilyn Manson tour, and needless to say, i didn’t go. But the show was at a place called the Arial theatre in Houston, Texas. Quite a small arena for such a famous band was my first impression. Imperial Teen started about 2000, and they were pretty good. Then, arounf 2145, the intro to Hole’s “credit in the straight world” started playing. I then saw the shadow of Courtney Love against the back drop and then suddenly the whole band appeared! It was amazing, they broke right off into “Heaven Tonight”, which was more energetic live then i had percived it to obe on the album. Then Hole got the crowd going with a kickass version of “Violet”, she sang perfectly and Eric was jumping all around like a mad-man! Then they went on to play “Awful”, which is also better live. I don’t remember the song order exactly, but here goes: “Maibu”, “dying”,”Its all over now baby blue”, “Miss World”(which she dedicated to Britney Spears), “Reasons to be Beautiful”, “Use once and destroy”, and “Boys on the Radio (Sugar Coma to some). In the middle of all this they played “Doll Parts”, which i think moved everbody in the arena, everybody sang back as Courtney ripped through the song, fucking ace. Then they left the stage. Then my friend and I saw the roadies setting up the equipment for the encore. We made to desicion that encores are very preplanned (why we didn’t know that in advance i don’t know). Eric came on the stage with an acoustic guitar, and he and Courtney proceded to play “Northern Star”. What happened next was a shocker: they started to play “Cum on feel the Noize” by quiet riot. Its ironic for me, because my two favourite bands have covered that song (my other band being Oasis). Then they ended the show with a terrific version of “Celebrity Skin” It was an awesome show that will be remembered in my mind for years to come.