Fan Review: Laura

Ok, when hole was at Q101’s Jamboree I was lucky enough to go, and it was awesome!! The entire band looked and played wonderful! Hole only got to play about an hour and they should of gotten to play more..but they didnt get too…oh well.. the songs they played were *in order they played*: 1 Violet 2 Awful 3 Pretty on the inside 4 Heaven tonight 5 Doll parts 6 Reasons to be beautiful 7 Malibu 8 Dying 9 Miss world 10 Boys on the radio 11 Cover Of ‘Valeri Loves Me’ (I think!) 12 Northern Star 13 Celebrity Skin

During ‘Dying’ a bunch of silver sparkley glittery confetti went up in the air, and my friend who was on the stage (lucky bastard!) got a bunch for me, Courtney & Eric stepped on the glitter confetti I got so I feel special 🙂

I forgot which song, but in the middle of one of the songs, Courtney punched this girl in the face because I guess the girl and her sister were holding up signs that said ‘YOU KILLED KURT YOU BITCH’ or something along that line. There was a bunch of lawsuit shit going on with those girls, but they’re stupid sluts so it doesnt matter.

But the concert was completely awesome, Courtney was like ‘This is being broadcasted over the radio, so I want you all to yell FUCK as loud as you can’ so everyone was like “FUCK” shes like ‘I CAN’T HEAR YOU!’ It was great

After ‘Celebrity Skin’ Courtney was like ‘Who wants my guitar?!’ Everyone SCREAMED, She gave it go some girl and then she took her top off, so I saw Courtneys boobies 🙂

Right when she took her top off all, these sercuity people ran up to escort her off the stage. They were pushing her off but she was hanging back with her arms in the air…fully enjoying it all!! It was completely wonderful!