After being smashed up into the gate by thousands of people for about an hour, they finally started. They started out playing the beginning of Credit in the straight world.(or old age) Then they broke into Violet. Courtney was wearing this pastel pink bikini top looking shirt with a matching skirt. She had a hot pink see-through dress over it. She kept lighting cigarettes and only taking but a few drags then throwing out on stage. She was extremely nice and just kept talking to the crowd like she was best friends with them. The first song they played played during the encore performance was Northern Star. It was just her and Eric. She was yelling at everyone to be quiet or she would walk off stage and not come back. She was now wearing a short blue sparkly dress. glitter was falling everywhere and it felt like one of those magical dreams. And it really kind of was, because I was in the same room with the Goddess herself. She was quite generous as well. One Of my friends Lauren Obucina got called out of the balcony by Courtney, and Courtney gave her one of her guitars. Another friend of mine got her ring. All I got was a white rose Courtnay threw off stage. But she was helping people out of the crowd and letting them go back stage. So all and all it was just about one of the greatest moments of my life.