Review: NME – Nottingham

May 13, 1995
by ??


Wednesday, May 3rd

The Daily Star runs an exclusive story claiming Love was offered $1 million to pose naked in Playboy. However, Love – described in the piece as a “snarling rock rebel” – rejected the offer saying she didn’t need the money or publicity.

Hole arrive an hour late for their show at Nottingham Rock City and Love says: “Sorry, it’s my fault.”

She begins throwing water bottles into the crowd which are promptly thrown back. Love responds: “If I give you water don’t throw the f–ing bottles back.”

The audience starts chanting “You slut” after 20 minutes and Love replies: “You lot can’t get laid. If you want to f–ing buy it I’ll take you with one hand behind my back.”

She begins shouting “Manchester United” and then blowing raspberries, to the amusement of the crowd.

Love then walks over to Erlandson, whispers an apparent insult and he storms off the stage only to return a few minutes later. Love then shouts: “I don’t have a penis and I don’t want one. Kiss and f–.”

At 11:30pm Hole start playing ‘Doll Parts’ but there is a power surge and black out. The band leave the stage in darkness but refuse to return when power is restored.