Unknown Publication
by J. Page
English Translation
Once again the posters did not show who was the opening act, so there is no way to find out if it is worth going to a group alone, however the accompanist encourages you to attend the concert of a star group. Nor would those who enjoy the opening act have a great help in the newspapers the next day, where it is seen that talking about the pocha star sells, but talking about secondary groups does not sell. Secondary due to lack of promotion, most of the time. In short, the opening act was called Miranda Sex Garden, in a group that had not been heard of for a long time, the truth is that it was quite surprising to find out that they had come as Hole’s companions. Why? Due to the kind of music they produced a few years ago, the last thing that fell into my hands included a series of madrigals (poetic compositions set to music and prior to the 18th century) performed without electric instruments, only with string, wind and percussion instruments. So when I saw them on stage, I was struck by the tremendous display of instrumentalists from a keyboard that sometimes imitated the sounds of a harpsichord, to electric violins. Although the most interesting thing was shown in the figure of a semivestal barefoot and dressed in a white dress as a tunic perfectly intoning her voice to the rhythm of the extravagant harmonization of the rest of the group, while on some occasions she used a piccolo and others a violin. In this way the public was surprised by this advance, immediately afterwards they got ready with expectation to see the misnamed muse of grunge or Generation X. Her appearance with a long satin dress, kilos of makeup and thousands of glitter points, unleashed euphoria among the attendees, a bad day for her, a year after the death of Kurt Cobain, that tremendous slab that hung over her presaged uncertainty for this concert. The group quickly broke up the night with three songs almost in a row ‘Plump,’ ‘Beautiful Son’ and ‘Miss World’, it must have been so that the photographers would soon conclude their task and leave the pit, and thus nothing stood between them and the public. From this moment began a concert ordeal, or what is the same a thousand and one ways to piss off those who enjoy music and not the antics of a rock star. Courtney Love managed to make each song have to wait for her particular show, in such a way that as soon as she was smoking cigarette after cigarette and saying shit to the public, as she started throwing bottles of water, either pouring them, or even full; she was throwing lit cigarettes; she would spit, after having chewed it, a bouquet of flowers that she had thrown at her, and of course the resounding response came in the form of spitting from the public; she sang The Beatles’ ‘Hey Jude’; later she reminded us of her ??? (unable to translate), we praised her little striptease dance; and to end this nonsense, half a concert was played trying to get people to chant the name of the new bassist, Melissa. All this succession of situations are not bad in a concert, but when you have to wait three minutes or more between songs the concert becomes a dead end, and it was about seeing what one of the groups that more surprised with their music in recent years, not listening to a hemorrhage of stupidities. If we could extract all the intermissions (more than on Tele 5), we could classify the rest as a good concert, full of strength and guitar by Eric Erlandson and drummer Patty Schemel. Did you miss, however, Courtney Love‘s good voice and guitar performance, despite the fact that she constantly seemed like she was totally drunk, or did she just look like it? Among the songs that they offered during the concert, they made a small preview of what will come out in a while in the form of a new album, and the style did not vary too much in the quality of what we have heard from them so far. We wish it was as excellent, luckily there are usually no intermissions on a record, so it will surely be worth it.