Fan Review: Lollapalooza Barrie

From the Unofficial Lollapalooza Site
by ??

There were many problems outside of the concert that made this a very unusual day. For the second year in a row it rained on the same day as the show. A major difference about this was that it made for some very soggy conditions. Usually getting into Molson Park can be a bit of a problem, as far as traffic goes. This year it was relatively easy until we got into the grounds of the park. Everybody has to park on the vast expanses of pasture, which are available there. Rain+Soft ground=Mud. These were the conditions of the day. Our party almost got stuck as the truck ahead of us, stopped twice: once due to going too slow, and once to ask the event staff, where he could park. Both the truck and us eventually got parking in thankfully very different locations.

The next problem, was actually getting in to festival (or village) area. The lineup was huge. The past two Lollas we went to we basically whooshed right in. Not this time. It was almost 3pm, by the time we got in to the grounds, and for the 1st time, we missed the entire 1st act (Mighty Mighty Bosstones) and a fair chunk of the Jesus Lizard. In fact a gate was opened in the fence to allow people who were being stopped at the main entrance to go to a nearby gate. This was how bad the traffic problem was.


OK, so all of you had a terrible Hole experience at Lolla. Well, we had a GREAT one. Just as others have said, they were the tightest act on the main stage this day as well as, the most popular. Courtney said relatively sober and completely lucid, she was not screaming or yelling at people, she only asked the people to not “pinch girls boobs,” and mentioned that she liked one girl particular (in what way I don’t know), but that’s was all for comments on her part except for asking Melissa to “say hi to your country, Bitch.” Melissa responded by insulting the crowd, by saying that we were second to Montreal, Who came to the rescue? Yep–Courtney, by throwing one of many Raggedy-Ann style dolls into the audience as a “peace offering from Melissa.”

The set by Hole was phenomenal, fantastic. If you weren’t in the pit, you weren’t getting there it was impossible. Hole opened with a few bars of “Cinnamon Girl” then roared into “Plump” and the rest of “Live Through This.” It was disappointing that she didn’t do anything from “Pretty On The Inside,” but it was made up for by doing a solo performance of “Pennyroyal Tea.” “Doll Parts” and “Violet” were beyond words for performance and reaction. Unfortunately there was no encore, and I’m not sure, because the lights were in the way, but I think she exposed her breasts, before leaving (Maybe someone can clear this up for me).