Memories: From Cheap Sweaty Fun

Hole at TJ’s in Newport, Wales, December 10, 1991

Cheap Sweaty Fun are gig organizers Simon Phillips and Richard Kendall. Original source:

SP: Let me clear up the Kurt Cobain story…Hole were playing a gig at TJ’s. The whole band travelled down together except Courtney Love. The band arrived and sound checked without her. Courtney Love came down with her agent (Russell Worby) very late. We opened the doors and loads of people came in; Courtney walked in, followed by Russell and a bedraggled-looking guy behind her. I stopped the guy and said ‘that’s £3.50 please, mate’ – and he said “don’t you know who I am?” – I recognised him then as Kurt Cobain, and let him in. The reason Courtney was so late was that Russell’s car had been involved in a head-on collision on Town Bridge (Newport). The car was a write-off and Courtney, Kurt and Russell were all very lucky to escape with their lives. The car they were in was a light blue Skoda!

RK: That was a wild night! From the minute Daisy Chainsaw came on stage it was bedlam. There were people on the stage, on the drum kit, everywhere. I was down the front for three hours, with 350 other people. I was getting people off stage and all I got was the odd glass of water every half hour. Before the gig started, I was wandering around thinking “look at that sad git trying to look like Kurt Cobain” – and it was him! As for the story of Kurt Cobain proposing to Courtney Love in TJ’s – Eddison was in the dressing room discovering electricity.